Saturday, July 23, 2016

Fitness for Women Over 40 - Useful Facts You May Not Know

Life begins at forty. While this may be a time when an individual reaches the peak of her career, it is also the time when your body begins to undergo major changes. You might begin to notice that no matter how much you exercise, you are now slowly but surely retaining fat. Hormonal and metabolic changes rule the day when you've already reached forty years old. Menopause almost always comes with weight gain. When you begin to lose muscle mass, your metabolism also slows down. This is an inevitable consequence of aging.

Fitness for Women

This does not mean, however, that staying fit at forty is not possible. In fact, there's every reason to keep your bodies toned and healthy during this time. Since your metabolic rate slows as a result of the hormonal changes in your body, reducing your caloric intake is the cornerstone of your weight loss program. Take note that what is highlighted is a mere reduction of calories. When you're over forty, going into any form of restrictive dieting or worse, crash dieting, is not only ineffective, it's also potentially dangerous. At this age, your body begins to lose bone mass and any form of dieting that limits your intake of nutrients could cause your bones to become more brittle. That could lead to osteoporosis or hip and leg fractures at the slightest falls.

Fitness for women over 40 entails eating healthy foods at the proper amounts, regular cardiovascular and resistance training exercises and stress management. The focus of your nutrition should be healthier foods that give you fewer calories. Thus, you should be consuming more fruits and vegetables and less of the cakes and donuts that give you more calories.

Fiber-rich foods must also be included in your daily menu while protein from fish and lean meat will also do wonders in boosting your metabolism. Don't forget to drink your milk so you can meet your calcium needs everyday. Supplements might be needed if you can't drink milk for one reason or another. If you are a few pounds over the ideal based on your height, age, activity level and other factors, then you need to create a calorie deficit either by eating less or exercising more or combining both.

Fitness for women over 40 also requires exercise. However, cardiovascular exercises aren't enough. Since your bone and muscle mass starts to weaken at forty, you need to incorporate strength training into your routine. Weather you intend to enroll in a gym for a weight lifting program or do bodyweight workouts at home, resistance training is a necessary part of your regimen. This adds muscle mass which helps rev up your metabolic rate for a greater calorie-burn.

To complete your fitness for women over 40 routine, stress management is essential. The kids might have already moved out of the house but the responsibilities of moving up the corporate ladder might lead you to seek comfort from food. Women at whatever age are more prone to emotional overeating whenever stresses take a toll. Marital squabbles and divorce are also other stressors that need to be managed well. Setting aside time for yourself is important so you can stay fit and fab even when you're over forty.

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Monday, July 11, 2016

How to Get Big Muscles - Big Muscle Building Secrets For Skinny Guys

For skinny guys and hardgainers, struggling to get big muscles and put on weight, is nothing short of frustrating, especially when we follow the so-called advice in much of the bodybuilding press, and still find that we haven't really gained anything at all.

How to Get Big Muscles

I would say that the biggest reason skinny fail when thinking about how to get big muscles is that they are following the wrong kind of bodybuilding programs; in other words, programs that are not designed with their specific body type in mind. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying those programs are no good, just that they are probably not right for you.

The best kind of program to help skinny guys in their quest of how to get big muscles will follow the 3 important principles below.

Focus On Compound Exercises

Many skinny guys struggle to get big muscles quickly because they usually ignore the importance of compound exercises, and instead perform lots of isolation exercises (particularly on machine weights).

Compound exercises incorporate more muscle fiber per exercise helping you to lift heavier, work more muscle, and spend less time down the gym than you would by performing isolation exercises.

Free weight exercises (so much better than machines) like Squats and Deadlifts will help you to build overall body strength and get big muscles faster. So make sure these are a focal point of your workouts.

Full Body Workouts Are Better Than Splits

Again, many skinny guys follow the advice of advanced bodybuilders who split their workouts like this: Monday is Chest Day, Tuesday is Back Day, Wednesday is Legs Day, etc.

The problem with this technique is that it is not optimal to get big muscles quickly. Don't forget that the advanced bodybuilders are pretty much at the size they want to be so their workout requirements are vastly different to someone who wants to gain more muscle mass quickly.

Sticking to full-body workouts is not only more efficient than splitting your workouts (you only need to go to the gym 3 times per week), but will generally work out each major muscle group 3 times per week instead of just once. This will help you to get big muscles much faster than splitting your workouts.

Periodize Your Exercises AND Rep Numbers

What you may find is that in the first few weeks of starting your workout you'll see significant muscle gains only to see them trail off, much like a dieter loses pounds in the early stages only to see those losses tail off.

This is your body getting used to circumstances (or weight training routine in this situation). The key to breaking through these plateaus is in the concept of PERIODIZATION. This really means changing up your workout so that your body is constantly stimulated and forced to adapt - by adapting itself the muscles are forced to grow and get bigger.

However, changing up your rep numbers is just as important as changing up your exercises. Rep numbers between 5-8 on heavy weights are best for building strength, and numbers of 8-10 are ideal for building muscle mass. By changing up your rep numbers you will ensure a varied stimulation of your muscle fibers and a faster way of how to get big muscles.

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Saturday, July 2, 2016

3 Ab Exercises That Don't Hurt Your Back Or Neck

One of the biggest complaints people have about doing ab exercises is that they hurt their back and neck. Indeed, some of the more commong stomach workouts can indeed place a lot of strain on your lower back and neck, cause discomfort and even pain.

Ab Exercises

However, doing a stomach workout does not have to be this way. It's entirely possible to get an awesome abs workout without feeling any discomfort in your back and neck. A lot depends on your choice of exercises. You just need to do the right ones.

Often, stomach exercises that involve lifting your torso toward your knees are those that create neck and back strain. However, the opposite movement is often much easier on the back. I'm talking about exercises in which you bring your knees and legs toward your chest. You're still crunching your abs to get that tightening feeling but you don't have to lift your head or back off the floor so you're not placing too much strain on them.

Here are 3 ab exercises you can do without hurting your back:

1. Hip lifts - Bring both legs up straight at a ninety degrees angle to the floor. Keep your entire upper body and head on the floor. Lift your hips a bit of the floor pushing your legs straight up. Make sure to use your abs to make this movement. When you go back down, don't let your legs fall toward the ground. Maintain control over them throughout the movement.

2. Reverse crunches - Similar to the regular crunch, you begin this exercise by lying on the floor with both legs bent at the knees. Lift your legs a bit off the floor. Curl both legs toward your chest. You may raise your buttocks off the ground a bit to bring your knees close to your chest. Don't lift your head to not strain your neck. Make sure to exhale while bringing your legs up and inhale while lowering them. Don't let your legs touch the ground.

3. The third abs exercise that you can do without hurting your neck and back is what I like to call the half-bicycle. The bicycle abs workout is done with a movement of your upper body and lower one both. In this version, you only use your legs.

To do the half-bicycle, lie on the ground, raise both legs a bit off the floor and begin alternating between them, bending one and bringing it toward your upper body and straightening the other a bit over the ground.

You can and should do abs exercises. If you suffer from neck or back pain, do these exercises and you may feel better.

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